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Avatar - George Dibb
George has built up a portfolio of rental properties over a number of years, focusing on traditional buy-to-let properties and refurbishment strategies in the North of England. George leverages his background in investment to focus on active and research led investment across both property and financial markets. George is a regular contributor to the Landlord Vision blog, focusing on property investment, the profession of being a landlord and writing market research material.

The Abolition of Section 21 Notices Delayed Indefinitely

As the nights become more gloomy and house prices begin to frost, the government have provided some much needed warmth to the hearts British of landlords. The government recently acknowledged the need to reform the court system prior to abolishing Section 21 eviction notices. In effect, delaying the abolition of ‘no-fault’ evictions indefinitely.

By 5 min read

Conversations With A Landlord: The Path To Commercial Property

Property investment can sometimes be a bit of a lonely pursuit. We landlords can often be solitary creatures and despite all of the third-party advisors and property influencers out there, it can be difficult to find honest and experienced landlords who can speak openly about their own experiences. Such conversations can be imperative, as they […]

By 10 min read

Rental Properties are Becoming More Sought After

The demand for rental properties has skyrocketed in recent years, as potential tenants encounter fierce competition to secure their ideal homes.

By 4 min read

A Landlord’s Guide to Property Auctions

Property auctions hold a unique and special place in the minds of many would-be landlords and property investors. Popularised by shows such as “Under The Hammer”, many people conceive property auctions as intimidating bull-pens where fortunes are won and lost in mere moments.

By 14 min read

UK House Prices are in for a Rocky Ride

The outlook for UK house prices is looking increasingly bleak.

By 5 min read

Scottish Rent Controls Have Lost Their Shine

As Shakespeare once wrote, ‘not all that glitters is gold’. Whilst legislative text is perhaps the furthest you can stray from Shakespearean prose, the Scottish Government would do well to take heed of such wisdom. The governments’ Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022, which introduced a range of measures to regulate rent increases […]

By 5 min read

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Understanding Fair Wear and Tear for Rental Properties 

Understanding Fair Wear and Tear for Rental Properties 

For landlords and tenants alike, fair wear and tear is perhaps one of the most contentious and misunderstood areas of letting out a property. Underpinning the discord between parties are the raw feelings of what is considered ‘fair’ and ‘just’ when returning a property after a protracted tenancy.

By 11 min read

Why The Latest Inflation Data Has Huge Implications for Landlords

Most Britons will by now be aware that the UK, and for that matter most of the developed world, are experiencing a cost-of-living crisis. The repercussions of Covid driven damage to international supply lines, generous government fiscal policy and Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine have caused prices to skyrocket. Inflation increased to a 40-year high […]

By 5 min read

Landlords Have Refrained From Increasing Rents In Line With Mortgage Rates 

Rates, rates, and more rates. So much of our daily lives and economic well-being is underpinned by interest rates and their direction of travel. Interest rates directly influence the cost of borrowing, including the cost of mortgages. As interest rates and corresponding mortgage rates have risen over the past 6-12 months many landlords and property […]

By 4 min read

Reasons For Landlords to Feel Positive In 2023

Many British landlords will have entered 2023 feeling battered and bruised. The private rental sector has faced an onslaught of spiralling mortgage rates, rising bills and incessant government legislation. Landlords who have survived thus far, now face the prospect of stuttering economic growth, a polarising political landscape and most worryingly of all – a potential […]

By 5 min read

Gove Hits out at Unscrupulous Landlords and Hints That Fairer Tax Rules are on the Horizon

It has been a busy couple of weeks of headlines for Michael Gove. The governments’ Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has made a number of statements, both within the Commons and on TV interviews. Speaking to Laura Kuenssberg, Gove reiterated his intention to stop ‘unscrupulous landlords’ who are taking advantage of […]

By 3 min read

House Prices are Continuing to Wobble

The UK’s housing market is beginning to wobble, with worrying ramifications for property investors and landlords alike. The Nationwide House Price Index (HPI) indicates that house prices have continued to tumble in 2023, building on last year’s downward trend. Prices continued to fall into January, marking the fifth consecutive month of decreases, with prices now […]

By 5 min read

Public Pressure Grows on The Rent-to-rent Model

The rent-to-rent business model is a relatively new subsection of the UK’s private rental sector. It has curried favour with online influencers and underpins many of the ‘zero money down’ landlord schemes which are advertised online.

By 4 min read

All Landlords Should Know These Key Metrics

Maths and metrics aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Few things can strike fear into the heart of practically-minded people more than the thought of formulas and abstract calculations. However, in a time when the profitability of traditional buy-to-let investments is being called into question, it is imperative that landlords are equipped with the metrics needed […]

By 18 min read

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