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Avatar - Mary Latham
Mary has been a self-managing landlord since 1972 and until July 2018 she was the West Midlands Regional Representative for the NLA. Over the years Mary has been consulted by government, local authorities and other groups within the housing industry and is well known for her in-depth knowledge of legislation and regulation. She continues to run regular landlord accreditation seminars on behalf of local authorities. Mary regularly contributes to the Landlord Vision newsletter and blog providing our readers with valuable, down to earth and realistic insights into the key issues that keep landlords awake at night.
Blue paper houses in a row on white background

Landlord Updates: Energy Cap, Right to Rent, RRO, Japanese Knotweed and More

The government has revealed major plans to “level up” England dealing with issues like unemployment and local economies with the aim to close the North-South divide. In a White Paper, published in February, they laid out their plans to achieve this.  There is mention of a Landlords Register and the loss of Section 21 but […]

By 9 min read

Compliance Changes Have Big Implications for Landlords

Spring is around the corner, and this will probably be the most welcome Spring in recent history. Hopefully we are going to return to unrestricted socializing and celebrating in the very near future. 

By 9 min read

Landlords Have a Difficult Year Ahead – Time to Take Notice

I share a lot of information through my social media accounts and often have some interesting online discussions as a result.  The amount of people who actually read the posts, click on the links or comment will depend on the subject of course, how busy people are offline and even the time of day.

By 9 min read

Do I Need an EPC for My HMO? And Other Energy Efficiency Questions

Do I need an EPC for my HMO? THAT HAS BECOME A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. The colder it becomes the more I think about the need to get rented properties up to a C. I always begin planning when new regulations are mentioned and 2025 will soon come around. In the meantime, investigating the options […]

By 9 min read
Mousetrap and house keys, Fraud concept.

From Fines to Custodial Sentences – When Landlords & Agents Break the Law 

Still no sign of new legislation being introduced and the Government announced last month that the much anticipated Rental Reform White Paper will now not be published until 2022. It had been suggested that it would be published this autumn and I was expecting to write about it today but I’m not complaining; when it is published, I expect that there will be more than just the […]

By 7 min read
Email icon and house. Contacts for business, home page, home address. communication on Internet. Internet and global communication, digitalization of economy and processes. at commercial

Reply to Shelter from a Good Landlord of Almost 50 Years

It has recently been reported that Shelter has launched a new campaign focussing on landlords and Letting Agents. This isn’t new; Shelter relies on charitable donations and government funding to pay for their activities, so they like to ensure they are in the public eye.  It is fundamental to their business plan to highlight to the public that some landlords and Letting Agents are operating illegally, and that Shelter is there on behalf of tenants to change […]

By 8 min read

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.Family life insurance, protecting family, family concepts.

Why Do Tenants Need More Protection?

Back in the 70’s, when I first became a landlord, I didn’t tell anyone. There wasn’t the publicity that there is now and of course no social media, but it was generally  assumed that landlords were not “nice people”. In those days there was no Section 8 or Section 21, and legally removing a delinquent tenant was […]

By 8 min read
Seedling and saving concept by human hand, Human seeding coins in soil for growing money.

The Misconception of Property as a Passive Investment

It surprises me that, despite all the media stories, discussions on Facebook Property groups, blogs like this one and discussion fora, people still see becoming a landlord as “a bit on the side”. They come into the business with little or no knowledge of the legislation and regulation which surrounds the industry. They often consequently have […]

By 10 min read
Curving suburban neighborhood dead end street with newly constructed single family homes in an American residential real estate development with stunning orange, pink, red, blue, yellow sunset

Learn From My Mistakes –The Wrong Location isn’t Always Obvious

Since our distant ancestor searched for a cave in which to keep his family dry and safe we have known that the location of a place to call home is THE single most important consideration …. And yet mistakes happen because a T-Rex isn’t standing in the entrance and sometimes we don’t see the more subtle signs.   Great area, wrong road…  

By 8 min read
14740642 - residential buildings by limehouse basin in east london

Learn From My Mistakes – Buying Leasehold Flats

I have probably made more mistakes than most landlords over the last 49 years, not least because back in the day there was no internet, landlord associations (that I was aware of) or property investor magazines. It occurred to me that admitting my mistakes will give other property investors the information that they need to […]

By 9 min read
a small statute next to a gavel

When Getting the Law Wrong Can Cost Landlords Thousands

In my experience, most landlords who get things wrong do so because they didn’t know that they were doing the wrong thing. Arguably, a person shouldn’t go into a business as important as providing homes without understanding the legislation and regulation involved, but many of us got into the business in the days when it […]

By 8 min read

Has the Pandemic Brought UK Property Investors Closer Together?

The business of investing in property to let in the UK has always been divided in several ways.  The question is – Has the Pandemic caused further divisions or has it brought property investors closer together?

By 9 min read
money box on radiator

How to Keep Tenants Warm and Cosy and Properties Mould Free

It’s not unusual for landlords of an HMO to be concerned about abuse of the utilities when the rent is inclusive of bills but the unusual circumstances of the past year has caused that concern to heighten as bills have risen and profits have reduced.

By 9 min read
Male and female hands placed to form a home for paper cut silhouette of a family in a conceptual image. Over yellow background.

Does Your Tenant Qualify for ‘Breathing Space’ Period From Rent Arrears?

One of the biggest concerns for many landlords is rent arrears. Some tenants have fallen outside of various Governments schemes to support those who cannot earn at the moment and many landlords are working with them to avoid eviction and to agree payments which those tenants can afford.

By 9 min read

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