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Avatar - Mary Latham
Mary has been a self-managing landlord since 1972 and until July 2018 she was the West Midlands Regional Representative for the NLA. Over the years Mary has been consulted by government, local authorities and other groups within the housing industry and is well known for her in-depth knowledge of legislation and regulation. She continues to run regular landlord accreditation seminars on behalf of local authorities. Mary regularly contributes to the Landlord Vision newsletter and blog providing our readers with valuable, down to earth and realistic insights into the key issues that keep landlords awake at night.

Latest Maintenance and Scam Warnings for Landlords and Property Investors 

There a few things that I have learned recently which I want to share with you. I am sharing with the permission of the people who revealed this information, one of whom I will name and credit and the others prefer that I don’t. The first is for those who own older properties: 

By 10 min read

Be Prepared to Regain Possession of Your Property at any Time

Unfortunately, there are at the moment a lot more landlords beginning or planning to sell up than is usual. There are several reasons for this but mainly it’s the loss of the tax allowance for mortgage costs, the increase in interest rates, and the concern that we will need to spend a lot of money […]

By 10 min read

5 Years to Reach C – EPCs in Existing Rented Properties and Two More Pieces of Good News

Amid some very worrying changes for landlords, there have been three announcements which will help us.

By 10 min read

Moves Begin Towards the Publication of the Renters Reform Bill

I want to begin by asking you to please respond to this government consultation because it addresses a huge issue for many HMO landlords. Please do it now because it closes on 31st March 2023.

By 9 min read

Advice for Landlords on Dealing with Utility Increases

Most of us look forward to Spring but I think that it’s fair to say that this year we are looking forward to it more than ever because it will bring the hope of lower living costs and, for landlords who let “all-inclusive”, a welcome relief from the stress of trying to keep up with […]

By 9 min read

Advice for Landlords Dealing with Energy Cost Increases in Rental Properties and HMOs

I take part in many online discussions with other landlords and with tenants. This helps to keep me up to date with what’s happening in the private rented sector all over Great Britain. Often there are issues which are specific to one country and at other times issues which affect us all. I’m going to […]

By 9 min read

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Please Read This Before Deciding Where to Invest 

As 2022 comes to an end it’s no wonder that landlords are concerned and confused when, on our little island, we have three different legislative regimes to contend with.  

By 9 min read

What Landlords Should Know About Evictions When Selling Their Properties

There has been a mood change among landlords in recent weeks, where once we were fundamentally an optimistic group many are now becoming very pessimistic, and the media aren’t helping.

By 9 min read

The New Academic Year Begins With Energy Crisis & Increased Student Loan Costs

Price caps on energy have been announced, there is a whole new wave of concern about the cost of living increases. Students are facing increasing costs of loans.

By 11 min read

What Do Landlords Fear Most? Prepare for the Worst and Hope for the Best

A gloom has descended over the landlord community, it began when we were treated like no other business and had the interest on business loans/mortgages (which amount to the same thing in our business) excluded from tax exemption – known as Section 24 because it is Section 24 of the Finance Act 2017. 

By 9 min read
paper work divided

A Fairer Private Rented Sector – What this Whitepaper Means for Landlords

This White Paper starts the process for new legislation leading to consultation and the publication of a Bill that will go through the Houses of Commons and Lords before receiving Royal Assent.  In other words, it will be some time before we see any changes and there is still time to make our MPs aware […]

By 9 min read
lighthouse and house on island

What’s on the Horizon for Landlords in 2022?

There have been a lot of updates so far on legislation that is aimed at governing the private rental sector. In turn this will have an impact on landlords. In today’s post Mary Latham will be explaining what landlords can expect to see on the horizon this year.

By 9 min read

More Legislation on the Horizon for the Private Rental Sector?

On 13th April the Public Accounts Committee published its 49th  report of 21-22 Session – Regulation of private renting.  It’s important to keep an eye on these reports because they often lead to more legislation and it’s good to have an early warning. This report is very upfront, as can be seen from the title, […]

By 9 min read

Selling Tenanted Properties and Sponsoring Ukrainians – Things Landlords Should Know

There are a couple of issues that are cropping up at the moment:   The landlord has decided to sell the property but there is a tenant in place.  The government is making an offer for us to offer a home to people coming from Ukraine. 

By 8 min read

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