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5 Landlord Vision Features That Make Managing Time Easy

By 3 min read • October 10, 2019
Landlord Vision software tip

Landlord Vision’s entire aim is to help landlords get organised and save time managing their properties. So, picking just a few time saving features was surprisingly difficult. There’s no doubt that managing property with Landlord Vision reduces admin and saves time, but in this post we wanted to try and introduce you to time saving features you may not have used or be familiar with to help you get the most out of your software.

So, here are the 5 Landlord Vision features that will help you save the most time.

One Touch Welcome Packs

When a tenant moves into a property there are all sorts of things you need to tell them. How much the rent is, what the meter readings are etc. Using Landlord Vision, you can produce a professional looking welcome pack that includes all this information with the click of a button. Once the pack has been generated you can send it to your new tenant without even leaving the software.

The welcome pack pulls details from your portfolio into a report, this report can then be printed, saved as a PDF or emailed to your tenant. Once you’ve put all your details into Landlord Vision, you’ll be able to do this for any tenant you have moving in. A huge time saver.

Find the welcome pack in Reports > All Reports then click ‘Welcome Pack’ under tenant reports.

Screenshot of the Landlord Vision welcome pack
This is an example of the welcome pack you can send to your tenants from Landlord Vision

Direct Debits to Save Time on Payment Admin

There are lots of different rent collection methods but this one takes some beating. Setting up direct debits in Landlord Vision is easy and secure. Should a tenant cancel the direct debit you’ll find out the day it happens rather than the day the rent is due. Landlord Vision reconciles these payments to the correct financial accounts. This saves you a whole lot of time chasing up rent payments, reconciling them from your bank account and inputting all the data in manually. These video tutorials explain how to enable direct debits in Landlord Vision.

The Income Tax Report to Make Tax Returns Fast and Easy

This has got to be one of our all-time best time saving features. You can pull an income tax report in Landlord Vision and it will give you everything you need to fill in your tax return. The boxes and numbers on the form correspond to different sections of the tax return. This can save hours and hours of time.

The report can be found in Reports > All Reports and is listed under the Tax reports section.

Screenshot of the Landlord Vision income tax report
This is what the Income Tax report in Landlord Vision looks like, you can see the numbers in front of each heading correspond to the sections on the tax return.

Mail Merge for Easier Communication

Landlord Vision has powerful mail merge features. This enables you to insert data from your Landlord Vision portfolio into an email without manually clicking around to find it.

You can build the email in the software and use merge tags to include personal information. This feature saves a huge amount of time and means you don’t have to memorise addresses, names, contact details, rent due dates etc.

There are over 76 different merge tags available to use, so make yourself familiar with these to make emailing tenants fast and easy. Here’s a list of the different types of merge tags You can also download a list of merge tags and their syntax from Tenant Manager > Mail Merge

Dashboard to Make Monitoring Faster

The dashboard is a great way to keep your eye on your finances, upcoming tasks, tenant requests and more. This makes it fast and easy to spot things that require your attention. Because each landlord works differently you can customise this dashboard to monitor the things that are most important to you.

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