Sharing Information with your Tenants in Landlord Vision

By 4 min read • July 16, 2021
Landlord Vision software tip

Landlord Vision allows you to give your tenants access to their own area where they can view their data, download their documents and even contact you. This section of the software is called the Tenant Module and is so easy to set up. Firstly though, we’ll go over what the Tenant Module actually does.

What is the Tenant Module?

The Tenant Module is a web portal that your tenants can log into and can be found here:

A screenshot of the tenant module in Landlord Vision

Please note this is a different link to the one you log in with and tenants can not use the Log In page from the main Landlord Vision website. Once your tenant logs in, they are presented with a dashboard which shows their arrears (if they have any) and any new updates since they last logged in. Then down the left side, they have the following options:

  • Tenancy Details – an overview of all of the information that has been added to their tenancy.
  • Property Details – an overview of the property they are staying in, including anything that has ‘Print on Welcome Pack’ enabled.
  • Payment Schedule – a complete list of all of the rents and charges due and whether they have been paid.
  • Payments – a list of all of the payments made, as well as when they were made.
  • Statement – a list of all of the rents and charges due and the payments made, along with the outstanding balance at any given time.
  • Documents – any documents that have been shared with the tenant.
  • Contact Landlord – a means to contact you, including the Tenant Service Desk for maintenance queries.
  • User Guide

What Will the Tenant Be Able to Access?

Please note that the Tenant Module does not contain any of the journals, so users won’t see any notes you need to write down about tenants. Additionally, they can only see their data (listed in the section above) and don’t have access to anything else you may have entered into your Landlord Vision account.

How Do I Share Documents With My Tenants in Landlord Vision’s Tenant Module?

There are a couple of places where you can share documents with your tenants for them to download via the Tenant Module. Firstly, go to Document Manager > Documents > Edit Document and tick Share with Selected Contacts. Then select the contacts you wish to share the document with. Any tenant that has been assigned to this document will now be able to see it in their Tenant Module. You also have the option to tick this box when first uploading the document.

You can tick multiple documents and bulk assign them to people and properties as well.

A screenshot showing how to find the document manager in Landlord Vision
A screenshot showing how to edit documents in Landlord Vision
A screenshot showing how to include Landlord Vision documents in the tenant module

How can my tenants get in contact with me?

Landlord Vision comes with it’s own helpdesk, which allows your tenants to send you details and photos of things that are broken or require work. Each request comes in as its own separate ticket which you can reply to or escalate to another person, if you have someone to do the job for you. All tickets are then held together in the helpdesk so you can easily see which issues are outstanding, without them getting lost in your phone or email inbox. 

Before you can do any of this, you will need to invite your tenants to use the module.

Inviting tenants to the Tenant Module

So, if you want to start using the Tenant Module today, you will first need to give your tenants access to the module. To do this, head to one of the following pages in the software and click the Invite to Tenant Module button:

Tenant Manager > Tenants

Tenant Manager > Tenancies > open the tenancy


Invite a tenant to the Tenant Module with the email that pops up and they will receive an email with a link. Ask them to click on the link and set up their own password to gain access. Once they accept the request, the blue Tenant Service Desk icon in the top right hand corner will appear. 

Landlord Vision’s Tenant Module is a great way for your tenants to keep up to date with all of their information and to get in contact with you, rather than using phone numbers and emails as a first point of contact. Have you used the Tenant Module before? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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