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Avatar - Roy Dixon
Roy is Landlord Vision's support manager. With more than 12 years of software support experience, Roy handles all of our support questions and works closely with the development team to ensure that Landlord Vision continues to deliver the features that our customers need.

New Features in Landlord Vision – August 2024 Update

It’s here.  It’s the big one. It’s the Tenant Portal! Probably the one thing we’ve been asked for most since we launched the new version is when will we have a means for tenants to access the software.  Well, the answer is now.  There are three parts to this release: The Tenant Portal The tenant […]

By 3 min read

New features in Landlord Vision – July 2024 Update

Oh yes, it’s that time again and once again, we’ve been busy.  This month we will be looking at invoices that are due in the future.

By 4 min read

New features in Landlord Vision – June 2024 Update

You may or may not have seen it, but we had a big update on the 10th June 2024.  All of them are legacy features so if you are a user of the older software, you will probably be familiar with these.  Here is a quick overview of all of the features that went live […]

By 3 min read

New features in Landlord Vision – May 2024 Update

The new Landlord Vision has been going for a few months now and for the last couple, we have been really packing the features in so I thought it would be a good time to review where we are up to, just in case you thought we weren’t doing anything.  Many of them are also […]

By 3 min read

Migrating from Legacy Landlord Vision to New Landlord Vision

After many months of hard work, we now have some exciting news.  The new Landlord Vision is now at the point where we can start moving our existing customers over from the legacy version.  However, we can’t migrate everyone, at least not yet.  Please read on and see if you are one of the people […]

By 5 min read

5 Tips for More Secure Landlord Software

Among our most commonly asked questions is the topic of data security.  Landlord Vision has a few tools for helping you to keep your data secure.  This article covers them and explains how you set them up. 

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Landlord Vision Migration January 2024 Update

I just wanted to give an update on where things are and where we’re up to.  There is understandably a lot of interest in the new product, and I know from the feedback we are getting that many of you are keen to move over.  As has been explained already, the new software is completely […]

By 3 min read

New Updates for New Landlord Vision

As I’m sure you’ve seen, the new Landlord Vision was released on 04/09/2023 and we haven’t stopped working on it.  Here is a run down on everything that’s new in the three months since it’s release. 

By 2 min read

Tips For Getting Started With New Landlord Vision

As you may have seen, we now have a new Landlord Vision product.  The next few tips go over some of the basic functionality to help you get started, whether you have just signed up, or if you are holding off for a later date.  The new product is a complete revamp and includes some […]

By 3 min read
Handling Letting Agents in the All-new Landlord Vision Facebook open graph

Handling Letting Agents in the All-new Landlord Vision 

As you may have heard, at Landlord Vision we are launching a new product this month.  It does the same things as the existing software and is even called Landlord Vision, it just does it differently. And better.

By 3 min read

Welcome to The New Version of Landlord Vision!

Over the last year and a half or so, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to improve the software.  But rather than redo each section, or give it a facelift, we’ve gone right out and rewritten the whole thing.  And now, finally, we are ready to release what we’ve been working on.  Whether you […]

By 10 min read

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