Protect Your Properties from the Winter Blast

By 2 min read • January 13, 2017

Home and umbrellaAfter a very mild winter so far, the temperatures have finally plummeted and the nation is now in the grip of an icy glove. Many parts of the UK have been blanketed in snow, with some areas hit by several inches.

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Of course, snow and ice are pretty much expected at this time of year, but whilst it may look pretty, cold weather can reap havoc with properties.

Beware of Burst Pipes

NFU Mutual is warning all landlords to check their pipes to make sure they have enough insulation. Burst pipes can cause a huge amount of damage and leaks can cost several thousand pounds to fix. The insurer notes that burst pipe claims rise dramatically over winter, so it pays to be vigilant to any problems lurking in your rental properties.

Protect Your Rental Properties

Once you have made sure all outside pipes and pipes located in cold attic spaces are adequately insulated, speak to your tenants to remind them not to leave the property unoccupied over winter with no heating on. If this is not possible or the property is between tenants, locate the water stop tap and switch off the supply at the mains. Drain down the hot and cold water system.

Keep a close eye on empty properties over winter. Look out for dripping pipes or water damage on ceilings or walls. If burst pipes are not fixed quickly, water damage can be extensive and costly to fix

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