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Should Landlords Help House Homeless Tenants?

By 2 min read • September 13, 2018

man holding card with seeking human kindness text

Many landlords don’t want to take on social housing tenants. They actively discourage tenants in receipt of Universal Credit not to apply for their properties because they don’t want to be stuck with tenants who can’t/won’t pay the rent.

Naturally, this extends to tenants with complex needs such as alcoholism and drug addiction. Very few landlords will touch tenants with these sorts of issues because there is a risk of antisocial behaviour and non-payment of rent. Not to mention damage to the property.

Homelessness in the UK

Homelessness is a big issue all over the UK. Many homeless people have complex needs and are addicted to various substances. This makes it hard for them to find somewhere to live. A sharp rise in the number of homeless people applying for housing in the South Lakes region has led to South Lakes District Council reaching out to local landlords.

Landlords in the South Lakes in Cumbria are being asked to help the council house vulnerable people. The council has pointed out that many homeless people are homeless because of relationship breakdowns and the loss of employment. They don’t necessarily have drug and alcohol problems.

Reaching Out to Those in Need

“The council’s Housing Options team is working hard on both the prevention and relief of homelessness. We have some big challenges to overcome and by liaising with more private landlords we will be able to reach out to those who need our help,” says Councillor Jonathon Brook from the Housing and Innovation department.

So far, 26 landlords have stepped forward to help. Can you do your bit?

Do you think landlords should step up and help the homeless? Let us know in the comments.

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