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Landlords could Ban Pets say NLA

By 2 min read • June 30, 2017

The National Landlords Association is warning that many landlords could soon ban pets from rented homes.

Government plans to cap security deposits mean that landlords will no longer be able to charge more than one month’s rent as a security deposit.

Unfortunately, pets often cause damage, so landlords who do accept pets tend to ask for higher security deposits to cover any extra damage.

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The NLA predicts this will lead to many landlords who have previously welcomed pets to do an about turn. This is bad news for pet lovers as it will make it much harder to find a rental home that accepts dogs and cats.

Nearly Half of Landlords don’t Welcome Pets

Research carried out previously found that 47% of landlords banned pets from their rental properties, with most of them citing the extra damage as the reason. This figure is likely to rise.

The Dog’s Trust has previously advised landlords to ask for a higher deposit or insert a professional cleaning clause in the tenancy agreement. These measures help to mitigate any risk of damage. However, if landlords don’t have these options anymore, they will ban pets and pet owners will be forced to give up their beloved companions to secure a roof over their head.

Tenants Forced into Difficult Decisions

Tenant pressure group, Generation Rent, says tenants shouldn’t have to choose between their pets and finding a suitable home. However, if the government does go ahead and cap security deposits, animal charities could soon be seeing an influx of new pets.

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