Kind Landlord Melts Twitter’s Heart

By 2 min read • March 23, 2020
woman holding hot cup of coffee, with heart shape

The COVID-19 pandemic is understandably causing a lot of people significant stress right now. From concerns over vulnerable relatives and the potential loss of work to panic buying and stripped supermarket shelves, these are uncertain times. But one landlord’s kind action has prompted thousands of people to share messages of support using the hashtag #ThankyouMrLandlord.

Be a Nice Landlord

Landlords often get bad press and are frequently accused of profiteering from tenants unable to afford to buy a home. But whilst a small minority of landlords definitely do fall into the ‘rogue’ category, the majority are decent human beings.

An extremely nice landlord texted his tenant Amy to let her know she needn’t worry about losing work (she’s an actress, which is a precarious job at the best of times). He reassured her that they could work something out, whatever happened, and that he was approachable.

Sharing the Love

More than 140k people have now liked the post and it’s been retweeted 18.8k times. There was a huge outpouring of love for Amy’s Landlord, with most people commenting on what a thoroughly decent chap he is.

It just goes to show that even in difficult times, the milk of human kindness hasn’t run dry (even if there is no toilet roll to be found within a 100-mile radius!).

Even if you can’t discount their rent, a few packets of toilet roll and pasta if you have it to spare will be most welcome!

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