HMO Landlord Amnesty in Barnet, London

By 2 min read • June 25, 2015

student flatsFollowing the successful prosecution of an HMO landlord, owners and managers of other illegal unlicensed HMOs in Barnet and Capita have been given until July 31 to come forward and apply for a licence without fear of prosecution by local enforcement service, Re.

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Illegal HMO
The amnesty has been granted after two local landlords operating as a limited company were fined more than £10,000 for not licensing a three-storey property in Golder’s Green.

“The company and directors in this case acted unscrupulously and held no regard for any of the tenants or their personal safety. The high fines and costs send a strong message that we are making sure these rogue landlords are held accountable,” said Alan Parfitt, Re director.

“I am urging landlords to come forward during this month’s amnesty without fear of enforcement to get their properties licensed so that we can help make Barnet a better and safer place to live”

A Dangerous Place to Live
Local enforcement service, Re, was called in late last year by one of the tenants, who complained that the property had dangerous electrics, inadequate bin stores, and poor water pressure. Environmental health inspectors discovered that the three-storey property had been converted into eight bedsits with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities, but there were no interlinked smoke alarms. There had also been no fire or gas safety checks since 2013.

This case just goes to show that illegal HMO landlords can’t hide forever.

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