German Student Gives Up Rental Flat and Moves on to a Train

By 2 min read • August 26, 2015

girl in a boxA young woman from Stuttgart became so despondent with life in rental accommodation that she swapped her rented flat for a monthly rail season ticket. So when other people disembark and head home to their rental property, Leonie Müller stays on board and settles down for the evening.

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A Different Way of Life
Following a dispute with her landlord, Leonie Müller took the extraordinary decision to live on a train and she now spends her life travelling between her boyfriend’s place in Cologne, her mother’s home in Berlin, and Tübingen University. She is able to wash in the train’s bathrooms and continue with her college work as she zooms along at 190 mph. On the downside, she can only manage short naps on the trains she travels on because of the noise and concerns about her backpack.

“I really feel at home on trains, and can visit so many more friends and cities. It’s like being on vacation all the time,” Leonie told the Washington Post.

She also points out that her relationship with her boyfriend is benefiting from her nomadic lifestyle:

“Normally, we would have to have a long-distance relationship, but living on a train enables me to see him all the time.”

Is Life on a Train Cheaper than Paying the Rent?
The cost of a monthly season ticket is cheaper than the rent Leonie was paying, so despite the limitations of life on a train, the student says it suits her very well.

“I read, I write, I look out of the window and I meet nice people all the time. There’s always something to do on trains.”

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