Career Criminal Trashes Rented Flat

By 2 min read • March 28, 2014

vandalised houseA landlord in Stockton had a nasty shock when he went round to inspect his property two weeks after new tenants moved in, only to discover his tenants had ripped up floorboards and stripped out copper piping for the purposes of selling it on to a scrap metal dealer,

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destroying the central heating and water system in the process. They also tore out a bathroom sink, leaving it smashed into pieces on the floor, and ripped out kitchen worktops.

During his court appearance, one of the defendants complained about the state of the flat when he and his girlfriend moved in. He lamented the fact that the flat was unfurnished and there were no carpets. He also complained that the bathroom needed redecorating. The judge pointed out that the flat had appeared to be in good condition prior to the pair moving in.

Stiff Sentence for Damage Caused
John Flounders had a string of convictions for all kinds of different offences dating back five years and was described as a ‘career criminal’. He was sentenced to two and a half years in a young offenders institution. His girlfriend was given a thirteen month suspended custodial sentence after the judge decided she showed ‘promise’ thanks to her academic qualifications and career aspirations to be an engineer.

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