The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Ed Davey MP, announced at the recent Ecobuild 2014 conference that the Government’s Green Deal Payment Plan has now been extended to help landlords make their properties more energy efficient.
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Ed Davey MP, announced at the recent Ecobuild 2014 conference that the Government’s Green Deal Payment Plan has now been extended to help landlords make their properties more energy efficient.
The Residential Landlords’ Association (RLA) wants the Chancellor to make provision for private landlords in the upcoming budget. It says that the government needs to do more to support private landlords, who now provide homes for as many as one fifth of households in the UK.
Property solicitors are warning landlords that they could soon be looking at personal injury claims or worse if they don’t take care of trees growing on their land. A large number of trees and heavy branches have fallen in the recent spell of nasty weather. Obviously it is difficult to prevent this type of thing […]
According to figures released by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), the number of buy to let properties being repossessed by lenders is at its lowest point for six years, which is indicative of a strong market for buy to let businesses.
There was a very useful article in the Daily Mail money section yesterday, which offered advice on how to spot an up-and-coming area before everyone else cashes in. This, as every property investor knows, is the key to making your capital grow and ensuring an excellent rental yield. So what were the DM’s tips?
Two landlord brothers in Dudley have been fined almost £3k after failing to provide a gas safety certificate to their tenants for eight years. The local Health and Safety Executive investigated the brothers after the council could find no record of their property having a gas safety
One of the largest insurance companies in the UK is calling for the government to introduce a flood rating system for homes. Aviva says that this will help prospective buyers and tenants make an informed decision when looking for a new home. However, critics are concerned that this extra information will
Extensive flooding has blighted large swathes of the UK in the last couple of weeks and millions of homes have been left underwater after an unprecedented spell of horrendous weather. As a result of the devastation, the National Landlords Association (NLA) is calling for the government to
Just in case you are feeling a bit spooked at this point, I’m not talking about supernatural entities such as poltergeists haunting your properties. No, I am referring to tenants who are not supposed to be living there. Or in other words…
Surprising new figures published by the Office for National Statistics have revealed that despite popular opinion, private sector rents across London have not increased at quite the rate most people believed was the case. If you read the popular press, you would be forgiven for thinking that London private sector rents are spiraling out of control.
Students and landlords in Birmingham have come together to protest against plans by Birmingham City council to place a cap on the number of student properties in certain parts of the city. The council is using an Article 4 directive to
Many university towns and cities have a high density of shared housing close to campuses. But although student HMOs can have high yields, some local authorities are trying to limit
Landlords have been blamed a lot for the steep rise in the cost of living, but although rents are clearly going up on a steady trajectory, it would seem that the majority of tenants feel they are getting
Flooding has been in the news an awful lot recently. Tidal surges and heavy rainfall in many parts of the country has caused damage to life and property along huge swathes of the east coast and the southwest. Unfortunately for landlords, a change in the rules is likely to lead to